Friday, January 9, 2009

Beach and Water Polo Babes

Today we had the day off from classes and it was a beautiful day so we decided to make the trip to the beach. Most of us could not be more excited to soak up the sun and feel the sand in our toes after too many cold winter days. We headed to Santa Maria beach, a 1/2 hour taxi ride away. It was beautiful. Teal water, big waves, sun, and sand. We laid out, walked along the beach, and enjoyed the warmth. For such a beautiful beach there were not many people and no big buildings like there inevitably would be at such a beach in the States.
After enjoying the beach thoroughly, we were about to head back when we got some beach neighbors that were hard to ignore: three beautiful men. In Speedos. Speedos always seem to belong to bodies that should be forbidden from wearing such little clothing, in this case, it looked like Speedos were made for them.
Like little girls, we had all kind of lined up and were very obviously staring at them, despite our attempts to be subtle. The bravest in our group went up to them and asked to have a photo with them which they obliged to and we all started talking. They ended up being really nice guys. And did I mention they were amazingly attractive? Just to give you somewhat of an idea, one looked like Cristiano Ronaldo and the others like Tyson Bedford. They were members of the national water polo team and are studying in Habana. Yeah, we got their numbers.

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